
JewishU for the Jewish YOU

  • JewishU for the Jewish YOU

  • Learn, Earn and Grow!

    LEARN: Choose from 5 weekly classes to expand your Jewish knowledge and empower your Jewish self. 

    EARN: Each 4 week commitment will earn you 4 JewishU credits. 

    1 Credit Equals: $25 towards furthering your Jewish education opportunities. Or $20 to be donated to charity to help feed the hungry. Choose from a pool of partnering orgs. Or $15 Cash. No strings attached. 

    GROW: Knowledge is power. As you grow your knowledge of the world around you, expand your knowledge of your Jewish heritage and its’ life enhancing lessons. 

    Choose from the following options: 

    (Each class needs a minimum of 2 students)

  • Registration

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